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#7 Premium

Free Academic Publishing - 0$

Paperback book publishing, ISBN Assignment, One-on-One Editor assistance - Worldwide Book Distribution, Amazon "Look Inside", Cover Design, Book Interior, Black and White Printing, Author Volume Discounts, Promo Banner and Certificate,  Author page (photo & bio.), Royalty from 12% up to 50%

Basic - 150$

Paperback book publishing, ISBN Assignment, One-on-One Editor assistance, Worldwide Book Distribution, Amazon "Look Inside", Cover Design, Book Interior, Black and White Printing, Author Volume Discounts, Promo Banner and Certificate, Author page (photo & bio.), Royalty from 15% up to 50%, 1 free manuscript postpublication revision, Author's cover design image, E-version of the book, 2 Paperback copies*

Advantage - 250$                                                                             

Paperback book publishing, ISBN Assignment, One-on-One Editor assistance, Worldwide Book Distribution, Amazon "Look Inside", Cover Design, Book Interior - Color Printing(up to 50 color pages), Author Volume Discounts, Promo Banner and Certificate, Author page (photo & bio.), Royalty from 18% up to 50%, 1 free manuscript postpublication revision, Author's cover design image, E-version of the book, 4 Paperback copies*

Advantage PRO - 550$                                                                             

Paperback book publishing, ISBN Assignment, One-on-One Editor assistance, Worldwide Book Distribution, Amazon "Look Inside", Cover Design, Book Interior - Color Printing(up to 50 color pages), Author Volume Discounts, Promo Banner and Certificate, Author page (photo & bio.), Royalty from 20% up to 50%, 2 free manuscript postpublication revision, Formatting service, Author's cover design image, E-version of the book, Social Media Promotion, 9 Paperback copies*

Premium - 950$

Paperback book publishing, ISBN Assignment, One-on-One Editor assistance, Worldwide Book Distribution, Amazon "Look Inside", Cover Design, Book Interior - Color Printing (up to 50 color pages), Author Volume Discounts, Promo Banner and Certificate, Author page (photo & bio.),  Royalty from 30% up to 50%, 3 free manuscript postpublication revision, Formatting service, Author's cover design image, E-version of the book, Retail price setting, Social Media Promotion, Paid advertisement (Amazon,Facebook), 20 Paperback copies*

Premium PRO - 2500$     

Paperback book publishing, ISBN Assignment, One-on-One Editor assistance, Worldwide Book Distribution, Amazon "Look Inside", Elite Cover Design, Book Interior - Color Printing, Author Volume Discounts, Promo Banner and Certificate, Author page (photo & bio.), Royalty from 40% up to 50%, Unlimited manuscript postpublication revision, Elite Formatting service, Author's cover design image, E-version of the book, Retail price setting, Paid Book Press Release, Social Media Promotion, Paid advertisement (Amazon,Facebook), Ebook(Kindle publication) 50 Paperback copies*

Ultimate - 5500$     

Paperback book publishing, ISBN Assignment, One-on-One Editor assistance, Worldwide Book Distribution, Amazon "Look Inside", Elite Cover Design, Book Interior - Color Printing Author Volume Discounts, Promo Banner and Certificate, Author page (photo & bio.), Royalty 50%, Unlimited manuscript postpublication revision, Elite Formatting service, Author's cover design image, Choice of trim size, E-version of the book, E-Book distribution, Retail price setting for Paperback, Hardcover, E-Book, Paid Book Press Release, Social Media Promotion, Paid advertisement (Amazon,Facebook), 120 Paperback copies, 10 Hardcover copies

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