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Strategic Patenting and Evergreening in Pharmaceutical Sector: Competition Law as a Panacea

$ 38.5

Published: 2020-10-06
Category: Health Care, Medicine
Category Law
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What is the efficacy of Competition Law in regard to scrutinizing strategic patenting practices and evergreening in the pharmaceutical sector under the arrangements of Patent law? The book is a comprehensive study of the pharmaceutical sector in relation to consumer protection whilst considering the excessive price affliction on the availability of affordable health services. It focuses on anti-competitive agreements like cartels, parallel pricing, predatory pricing by pharmaceutical companies including other aspects under competition law, and patients being fettered by patents under intellectual property laws. Drugs being an essential commodity have been part of unfair-trade practices and its implication is leading to extensive price discrimination on a global level. It is a comparative analysis of the implementation of laws in different jurisdictions for the availability of drugs at fair prices, which will include the legal hurdles in the promotion and adoption of low-cost generic drugs by various jurisdictions. The line where fair profits end and the extortion in the name of innovation and exclusivity rights start is a bleak one. This book is aimed at finding that balance that encourages innovation in the pharmaceutical sector as well as makes these innovative drugs affordable and available for common man’s use with the efficacy of Competition Law in place. The primary objective of this book is to highlight the capitalist approach of pharmaceutical companies in defeating the larger public interest and the discrepancies of law leading to ethical misconduct.

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