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Assessing Global Governance: Successes of the New York Convention, Corporate Failures in the 2008 Financial Crisis, and Critiquing the AHRS

€ 38.5

Publicado: 2023-04-24
Categoría: Biznes i Ekonomia
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“Assessing Global Governance" offers a comprehensive analysis of the successes and failures of global governance in three key areas. The first part of the book evaluates the New York Convention as the most successful commercial treaty in the world in promoting international arbitration and facilitating cross-border commerce, it delves into its history, overview and application, while also exploring its limitations and future prospects. This part is essential reading for anyone interested in international trade, arbitration, and the evolution of commercial law. The second part examines the failures of corporate governance in safeguarding against excessive risk-taking during the 2008 financial crisis. 

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