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Principles of Management and Leadership in a Global World

€ 54.5

Publicado: 2023-07-25
Categoría: Biznes i Ekonomia
Categoría Management
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Principles of Management and Leadership in a Global World is the second edition of the book that aims at elaborating the concept of management and leadership, and insights concerning different aspects of them. As we go through the chapters, we will consider a variety of key learnings to be conveyed to the readers.
In the first chapter, the history of management is discussed and application of management principles. Then, management theories are systematically elaborated, and types of and their choice in terms of globalization are argued. Chapter two considers organizational structure and change management. In chapter three is investigated relationship between organizational culture, behavior, and job satisfaction in modern business conditions. Types of leadership models and theories are the most important axis of chapter four. In this chapter, the types of leadership theories and their common attributes and their requirements are discussed.

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