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HEALTH - PROMOTING COMPOUNDS IN PLANT-BASED FOODS: Strategies for Obtaining Enriched Plant Foods

€ 60

Publicado: 2023-04-25
Categoría: Science
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It is widely recognized that lifestyle factors, particularly diet, play a paramount role in the development or prevention of aging-associated diseases. Evidence has suggested that dietary patterns rich in foods of plant origin, such as fruits and vegetables, have great influence on disease prevention. In this line epidemiological studies have established a beneficial link between certain plant food biologically active components and reduced risk of disease, which were attributed to both their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Among these bioactive components, it could be highlighted polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) occurring in nuts and seeds and certain phytonutrients, mainly polyphenols occurring in a variety of plant foods with highly beneficial to health properties.

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