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Childhood Obesity and Vitamin D Deficiency: Two Hot Topics

€ 70

Publicado: 2022-07-04
Categoría: Health Care, Medicine
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The prevalence of childhood obesity has gradually increased in the course of the last decades, establishing as the most relevant nutritional disorder in our environment. On the other hand, vitamin D seems to fulfill a broad spectrum of biological functions. Several studies have demonstrated that obesity childhood is related to vitamin D deficiency, even though the reason given for this association is still unclear. In the first chapters (chapters 1-5), the abnormal hormonal profile that can already be detected in obese girls in early puberty is analyzed; and examines its relationship with metabolic syndrome. Likewise, it is shown how the application of a broad combined dietary-behavioral-physical activity intervention in the treatment of childhood obesity has a positive effect. In addition, the application of these combined strategies has made it possible to calculate changes in body composition and cardiometabolic risk factors in relation to the reduction in body mass index. Subsequently (chapters 7-12), vitamin D status and parathyroid hormone in relation to obesity in different aspects (associated factors, combined intervention, cardiovascular risk factors, etc.) are analyzed.

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