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Hyers–Ulam Stability of Function Equations and Fractional Differential Equations

€ 79.5

Publicado: 2023-02-20
Categoría: Matematyka
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The main purpose of this book is to present some of the old and recent results on Hyers–Ulam stability of function equations and differential equations in Banach spaces, quasi-Banach spaces, F-spaces and group. The book provides a survey of both the latest and new results especially on the following topics:
(1)Stability theory for several new functional equations in Banach spaces. (2)Stability of some functional equations and some properties of groups. (3)Hyers-Ulam Stability of functional differential equations and partial differential equations. (4)Stability of nonlinear fractional differential equations. (5)Stability of differential equations on time scales.

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