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The Effect of Cyclooxygenase Inhibition On Production of Reactive Oxygen Species and Platelet Aggregation

€ 49.5

Publicado: 2022-12-26
Categoría: Science
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Platelets are prime modulators of haemostasis. Activation of platelets using different platelet agonists such as ADP and AA on Gq receptors activate second messengers DAG and IP3 which in turn, initiates rapid platelet shape change, secretion, aggregation, and calcium mobilization. The granules (5-HT, PAF, AA) released in circulation bind to platelets surface receptors and 'synergistically' induce activation and aggregation by secondary feedback pathway. Among these, thrombin is the most potent platelet agonist and is produced from AA by COX pathway. Upon activation, blood platelets liberate are AA which is converted by COX into various short-lived prostaglandins and TXA2. These COX products are important mediators of pain, fever, and inflammation.

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