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Mix Method in English Language Teaching

€ 42.5

Publicado: 2023-07-08
Categoría: Edukacja
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This book discusses how to use mixed methods applied in English Language Teaching. It starts with theoretical underlying the mixed method approach seen from quantitative, qualitative and mixed approaches that is used as means to make an English Language Teaching model in higher education institutions.  What is a mixed method? According to Hanson's as cited by Hesse (2010) mixed method as "include collection, analysis and integration of quantitative and qualitative data in a single or gradual study". Another definition by Julia Branen mixed method is: "adopting a research strategy that uses more than one type of research methods. Combining two quantitative and qualitative approaches can be done at the applicable level. namely methods, techniques and applications in certain fields of study (Hitchcock, J.H & Onwuegbuzie, 2022). 

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