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Design and Development of Elevation Painting Robot

€ 42.5

Publicado: 2023-05-06
Categoría: Biznes i Ekonomia
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The construction industry is a labor-intensive which is carried out in dangerous situations. Therefore, implementing robots in construction industries has been realized and it is grown rapidly. Wall painting is a repetitive process. Painting exterior walls of a buildings typically done by hand which is known as conventional method. In this method paint is not consistently applied over the surface. This traditional method makes it very difficult for people to work in a dangerous posture and is also very unsafe to the workers eyes, skin, and their lives. This traditional method is less exact, requires more effort and labour work, It also consumes a lot of the painter's time, and is less efficient. We have developed a model of an elevation painting robot to help with these challenges. Our aim is to overcome the conventional methods of painting which uses human labor all the time as well as to reduce human efforts involved in the whole painting process.

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