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Perception, Practice, Awareness and Acceptance of Patient’s Towards Replacement of Missing Teeth and Prosthetic Options

€ 38.5

Publicado: 2023-06-09
Categoría: Health Care, Medicine
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The decision to become edentulous is influenced by a number of non-disease factors, including attitude, behaviour, dental attendance, and aspects of the healthcare system, according to research. Additionally, there is a significant link between the edentulous state and the financial issues that are typically connected to poor occupational levels. It is fair to infer that edentulism is caused by a variety of confluences of cultural, educational, economical, and dental disease attitude variables, as well as by previous treatment. A pre structured multiple choice questionnaire were given to random patients to assess the level of perception, practice, awareness and acceptance of patients towards prosthodontic treatment as a whole. 

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