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Join da’ Club: Clubbing with Faculty to Promote Engagement Using the Extracurricular Model

€ 42.5

Publicado: 2024-04-10
Categoría: Nowe wydanie
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Getting online faculty members to engage with one another in different time zones, locations, and interests may be difficult, but it is not impossible. In order to boost faculty engagement, American College of Education (ACE) employs a variety of strategies to support mindfulness, health and wellness, and reflective practices. The extracurricular model and joining clubs allow faculty to choose areas they are most passionate about. A few instances of the virtual clubbing scene including walking, meditation, book clubs, a recognition committee, and subcommittees themed around social responsibility. Faculty engagement is a benefit to the college because it can lead to a variety of positive impacts, such as job satisfaction, retention, increases in student satisfaction, and improving the organizational culture.

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